Teens and porn use is a serious problem today. Researchers said this
sample of students had “a considerable amount of exposure” to Internet
pornography, and they were particularly concerned about the degree of
exposure to deviant sexual activity. “If participants in this study are
typical of young people,” researchers commented, “exposure to
pornography on the Internet can be described as a normative experience,
and more study of its impact is clearly warranted.
Hambe nie bukan pandai sangat bahasa inggeris. Boleh la faham sikit-sikit. Maklumat kajian mereka menyebabkan hambe kini runsing kepada pemuda pemudi kita hari ini. Hanya 3% remaja lelaki dan 17% remaja perempuan sahaja yang tidak menonton pornografi di internet. Betul atau tidak??? Wallahualam.....
Yang pasti pantau penggunaan internet di kalangan anak-anak di rumah terutama yang remaja. Wassalam........
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